MCQs for Competitive Examinations 1

     Select the most appropriate response.

1. What is the primary action of insulin in the body?
  1. Stimulates the pancreatic beta cells
  2. Aids in the process of  gluconeogenesis
  3. Enhances the transport of glucose across cell walls
  4. Decreases the intestinal absorption of glucose

2.   The term used to denote loss of appetite
  1. insomnia
  2. Anaemia
  3. Dysphagia
  4. Anorexia

3.  In face presentation the engaging diameter is
  1. Submentobregmatic
  2. Occipito frontal
  3. Mento vertical
  4. Biparietal damete

4.    The digestion of protein is facilitated by
  1. Trypsin
  2. Amylase
  3. secretin
  4. Lipase

5.   The main vector in the transmissionof dengue  fever
  1. Culex mosauito
  2. Anopheles mosquito
  3. Aedes aegypti
  4. Pio mosqquito

6.   Anaphylactic reaction after administering penicillin indicates
  1. an acqquired atopic sensitization
  2. Antibodies to penicillin developed after earlier use of the drug
  3. Passive immunity to penicillin allergen
  4. Developed potent bivalent antibodies when the IV administration was started

7. Sudden severe attack of shivering in which the body  temperature rises rapidly to a state of hyperpyrexia
  1. Swinging fever
  2. Pyrexia
  3. Rigor
  4. Inverse fever

8. An early indication for development of hypocalcemia
  1. Tingling sensation in the fingers
  2. Depressed reflexes
  3. ventricular dysrrhythmias
  4. Memory changes

9.    Length of the female urethra
  1. 1 cm
  2. 2 cm
  3. 4 cm
  4. 5 cm

10.   Patient whose life is threatened and who is comatose is assumed to give what kind of consent for life sustaining treatment.
  1. Informed
  2. Implied
  3. Direct
  4. Expressed

11.  Orthopantomogram is taken to rule out lesion in
  1. Facial bone
  2. Maxilla
  3. Mandible
  4. Skull

12. ................ plays an important role in good team work
  1. rules and polices
  2. communication
  3. Delegation
  4. Motivation

13.    Translate-rotate tube technology with multiple detectors is used in
  1. Fourth generation CT scan
  2. Second generation CT scan
  3. First generation CT scan
  4. Third generation CT scan

14.  Bombay blood group contains
  1. Antigen A, B and H
  2. Antibody B and H
  3. Antibody A and B, Antigen H
  4. Antibody A, B and H

15.  Premature ventricular contractions are characterized by
  1. Inverted P waves before the QRS complexes
  2. QRS complexes which are short and narrow
  3. Premature beats followed by a compensatory pause
  4. A  P-wave preceding every QRS complex

16.    ''Nursing is the diagnosis and treatment of human responses to health and illness''. This definition was given by
  1. indian Nursing Council, 1948
  2. International Council of Nurses
  3. Florence Nightingale, 1858
  4. American Nurses Association (ANA) 1195

17.    The anterior fontanelle in the fetal skull usually closes at
  1. Birth
  2. Two months after birth
  3. One year after birth
  4. Eighteen months after birth

18.    Which of the following conditions is known to have the best response to Electro Convulsive Therapy (ECT)?
  1. Depression with suicidal tendency
  2. Simple schizophrenia
  3. Paraoid schizophrenia
  4. Obsessive compulsive disorder

19.  When the amount of amniotic fluid exceeds two liters the condition is called
  1. Oligohydramnios
  2. Polyhydramnios
  3. Bag of waters
  4. Amnionitis

20.   The pacemaker of heart is
  1. SA node
  2. AV node
  3. Bundle of His
  4. Purkinje fibres

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